Monday, 7 December 2015

The Hauz Khas In Chroma

B.S. - I cant do my blogs without my little sis Richa Nijhawan ( b.s. - before script )

The beginning to my perfect day is most of the times an unplanned one and Yesterday was one of that kind . My cousins had came over, so we all decided to go and explore something within a few kilometers , hence we left for Hauz Khas Village.
Hauz Khas , is derived from Farsi , it refers to ' the royal water tank ' . Along with the tank, the complex is studded with doomed tombs of Muslim royalty. It is located at the southern part of the metropolitan , Delhi .Over the time it has become the most conventional hangout place for the young population.  As we parked the car and forwarded towards the monument, i could hear some groovy music and see the walls painted in Graffiti. I being familiar to the place ushered everyone towards the monument . As soon as we reached the gates , i deviated to find a view that i could sit and sketch. I took out my canvas pad and uniball's water proof pen and started capturing the view .
This was my first attempt for live sketching with a pen , other times i had only used graphites , but it was coming up well . While dribbling my pen i would suddenly stop and stare at the pigeons and the gloomy sky , i am a nature lover ,i admit.
Fifteen minutes later i came up with some more of it, that is how it appeared.
I resumed the pen work at this moment and left the rest for later, now i wanted to go Kunzum Travel Cafe, its just in the lane outside the gates of monument. Kunzum is a laid-back coffee shop for travelers . It features photography and travel books, and is a pocket friendly heaven for travelers as the coffee is served absolutely free, but they do have a drop box if one wishes to pay silently. Kunzum was started by Ajay Jain, an engineer by profession and a photographer by heart, he wanted people to buy his photographs, but unable to sell through exhibitions so he started a gallery and promoted it online.
This ends up my visit to the urban artist village of delhi.
I had to bring the sketch to conclusion  as I reached home , so i decided to do it with mix -media. I took a spoon of coffee powder, gloss medium (acrylic) and photo colors. I mixed the coffee into the medium to make a sticky application, with a round brush i started painting the image.
I ended up painting it in chrome yellow, burnt sienna, sap green etc. This is how it came up finally. I titled it  ''The CHROME SAVIOR'' .
               Mix -media on Canvas.


  1. Beauty is a combination of qualities that delight the senses. It is an inborn instinct in human beings to appreciate beauty, Artistic creations are man’s attempt to depict the joy created by beauty. A painter cherishes the beautiful moments and things in life. His/her imagination helps to revive and relive the happy moments spent in the company of beautiful things. Beauty abounds in nature. Return to the art, it is quite melodious and spiritual, doesn’t feel like we were seeing the art, eventually it is feeling like we are with in this journey. It is magnificently great work,. Certainly admirable. Great job,…


  2. Beauty is a combination of qualities that delight the senses. It is an inborn instinct in human beings to appreciate beauty, Artistic creations are man’s attempt to depict the joy created by beauty. A painter cherishes the beautiful moments and things in life. His/her imagination helps to revive and relive the happy moments spent in the company of beautiful things. Beauty abounds in nature. Return to the art, it is quite melodious and spiritual, doesn’t feel like we were seeing the art, eventually it is feeling like we are with in this journey. It is magnificently great work,. Certainly admirable. Great job,…

