• picture credits - #RichaNijhawanPhotography
#Last but not the least I end it with 15 -20 minutes of stretching to avoid any muscle tension.
I blog about my lifestyle, just want my subscribers to connect with my routine chores. Another side of me, that I have delved in last three years is that I am addicted to strength training!
I had long hours of sit and work for years while painting and reading ,that lead to spine problems, I got over it completely by altering my routine a bit.
Eventually I am good enough to lift, and I actually enjoy training with weights. Today was my chest day at gym , so it is a good time to delineate i guess .
# Very first thing to start while work out is stretching , it's as crucial as base coat of a painting, inevitable I must say. I make sure to prepare my spine for a heavy fifty minute session. I try to do chakrasana at least thrice a week . 3months from now I couldn't even lift my elbows, see what practice does!
Haven't reached perfection though, but I am really close I guess. Also I use a foam roller to get a deep tissue massage , it loosens any tightness in muscles. In 15 minutes I finish with the stretching part which includes neck rotation, tricep strech, quadricep strech etc.
# Next move is 7-10 minutes of cardio, to warm up my body I generally walk on treadmill or use a cross trainer . If you warm up and strech aplenty, you will never feel tired during workout.
# Finally comes the intense part strength training, it's the best thing to do for bone density and muscle loss issues.
You are a man or a woman, after puberty you begin to loose one percent of bone and muscle strength every year! So why not just reverse it 😎
For chest exercise I start with bench press of which I do 4 x 15 , 4 sets of 15 reps each.
Following this I do incline dumbbell press, decline press, incline dumbbell fly and push ups to make it even more challenging.
Fitness is a lifestyle, a habbit, an addiction , which is now infused In me not to forget behind every success story there is a face, can't thank enough my friend and mentor Parveen Kumar who inspired me and gave me a detailed explanation of every single move.
I thought of sharing this picture from 2011 and now. Love yourself , your body and inspire others too.
My writing would be worthwhile if it can inspire a single person to opt for a healthy living.
look book
top - aeropostale
tights - nike
shoes - nike
you can always mail me your queries!
Priyanka ♥️
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