Tuesday, 29 December 2015

# What does my wardrobe say for a Gallery visit.♥️♥️

its already year end , while celebrations & parties are all that occupy my evenings, my x'mas weekend was all about dance , booze and good food but last evening was different. I had an invitation for an art exhibition at Shridharani Art Gallery, Triveni Kala Sangam . I decided to get going in a semi- formal attire for the show , and i feel i did justice to my evening , who doesn't want all heads to turn while entering a prestigious event like the one i had been a part last evening. So now i am gonna write a sumptuous description to help my friends get that look in minutes without a hassle.
isn't it cool yet trendy ??  i din't look formal to the extent of marring an evening  , yet it ain't too casual. I wore a pale grey colored top along with a navy blazer and it complimented my high waist pair of denim .

my top had that minimal gleam of silver stars which made it perfect for an evening out . Most of the times i carry that No Make up look but to just get a highlight i used natural peachy color for my lips

   top  :  AEROPOSTALE

    blazer :  ZARA

     denim  :  ROADSTER

     lipcolor   :  LAKME  ( CP 8 coral craft )

i hope you guys enjoy reading my blogs.
Wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

 With love , 
   Your blogger


  1. Very nice article by the very gorgeous & beautiful Priyanka the one writing her heart out.

  2. Very nice article by the very gorgeous & beautiful Priyanka the one writing her heart out.

  3. Very nice article by the very gorgeous & beautiful Priyanka the one writing her heart out.
